Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Rejeki dari ILAHI

baru semalaman mengeluh dan mengenangkan tentang Konflik kerjaya diri dan keluarga... hari ini, KAU bantu aku memberi petunjuk dan hidayah...

Hehehehe... isteriku Diha baru saja lepas tandatangan kontrak dengan MiTV sebagai Senior Executive Legal... wow alhamdulillah... rejeki Mikhail dari ALLAH, diha takde hal... selalu dapat offer kerja di mana mana...

aku pulak... "halo, encik Wan Syahrul Amry, saya Openg dari BESSAR, Bernama, hari tu... so sekarang kami dah buat keputusan, kami dapat tawarkan kamu bekerja di sini... cuma gaji yang kamu mintak terlalu tinggi, tapi di sini skim yang kami bagi ada hospital dan banyak kemudahan dia... dan satu lagi... kamu mintak Produser dan Anchor kan? Cuma untuk skim kami kami bagi kamu Assistan Produser dan kami akan promote kamu... so macam mana?" "ooo... ok... bila tarikh saya untuk mula berkhidmat?" "ok, kalau kamu setuju, saya akan hantar offer letter dan kamu mula pada bulan Jun ni, macamana?" "errrr... ok, saya pikir dulu then saya call encik boleh?" " ok wan... awak call nombor ni" "ok tuan thank you so much..."

alhamdulillah dalam hati aku... semalam interview dengan Gaya E.P for tayangan unggul... dia offer to join her for their next film... aduh murah rezeki sungguh...

so sekarang for me to decide again...

yang mana satu pilihan kalbu...

Apa matlamat tuju hidupku... Mereka dan keluarga mereka!

p/s: kena buat solat Istikharah nampaknya

Istikharah is to seek guidance from Allah when one is faced with a problem to which no solution is apparent.
Whenever a person is faced with a difficult problem, or becomes hesitant in making a decision and his knowledge of the matter is insufficient to guide him then after seeking advice from trusted friends he should turn to Allah and beseech His grace. He should willingly and with an open heart and mind supplicate for divine guidance and ask for direction so that the problem is solved in his own best interest. The du'a at such an occasion is called Istikharah.
Istikharah is in fact an invaluable teaching of Rasulullah with which the Muslims have been favoured. This blessing could give solace to many for all times to come. It is related in the Hadith that Rasulullah used to teach the Istikharah to the Sahaba, Radi-Allahu anhum, like the Qur'an is taught to children. In another Hadith it is stated that, "He does not fail who makes Istikharah and he does not regret who makes Mashwarah (consultation)."
In the Masnoon Istikharah, after one has carried out his responsibility as best as one can, one should hand over the entire matter and oneself to the limitless knowledge of Allah Ta'ala. By resorting to Istikharah one is now relieved of making a decision on his own.
Now there can be no perplexity. Only that will happen which Allah Ta'ala wills and which is good for ones own sake though one may not be able to see it immediately. It is not necessary that one must experience or see an evident change or vision. Allah Ta'ala alone knows what is best for His servants. It is related in the Hadith that "Success and good tidings for the son of Adam (Insan) is in performing Istikharah and his misfortune lies in not making Istikharah."


  1. Alhamdulillah... Murah rezeki...

    Dialah yang memberi rahmat kepada kamu dan malaikatNya pula (berdoa bagi kamu) - untuk mengeluarkan kamu dari gelap-gelita kepada cahaya yang terang-benderang dan adalah Dia sentiasa melimpah-limpah rahmatNya kepada orang-orang yang beriman (di dunia dan di akhirat).
    Surah Al-Ahzab: 43
