Monday, April 23, 2007

Otak gua tengah pikir apa

end of april or early May 2007, insyaallah gua akan berlakon dalam telemovie terbitan Suar Channel bertajuk 'Deviasi' (skrip oleh Ramdan)...

watak gua nama wan seorang penyajak dan scene gua menjadi breaker kepada telemovie tersebut... akhirnya gua dapat peluang berlakon mengikut kehendak Malaysia... not sure macam mana outcome dia... hentam sajalah dulu... janji gua happy...

Banyak benda yang akan berlansung dalam bulan May nanti... Diha start keje... birthday gua... nak pindah to condo diha... (kena renovate dengan paint dulu), mak gua nak transfer keja kat KL... yus dapat offer belajar... naki dapat jawapan interview... dan macam macam ada...

so kena plan pelan pelan... takut nanti aneurysm pulak...
An aneurysm (or aneurism) is localized, blood-filled dilation (bulge) of a blood vessel caused by disease or weakening of the vessel wall.[1] Aneurysms most commonly occur in arteries at the base of the brain (the circle of Willis) and in the aorta (the main artery coming out of the heart) - this is an aortic aneurysm. This bulge in a blood vessel can burst and lead to death at any time, much like a bulge in an over-inflated innertube. The larger an aneurysm becomes, the more likely it is to burst. Aneurysms can be treated.
The layer of the artery that is in direct contact with the flow of blood is the
tunica intima, commonly called the intima. This layer is made up of mainly endothelial cells. Adjacent to this layer is the tunica media, known as the media. This "middle layer" is made up of smooth muscle cells and elastic tissue. The outermost layer (farthest from the flow of blood) is known as the tunica adventitia, the adventitia or the tunica externa. This layer is composed of connective tissue.

sekarang pulak gua tengah tunggu offer letter from Bernama news jer... dia kata start keja Jun 2007... insyallah lah... demi keluarga tersayang...

tapi yang penting gua minat belakon dan menyanyi... gua akan belasah jugak benda sampai jadi...

doakan kejayaan gua...

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